Sameh Habeeb Biography

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Who is Sameh Habeeb - A Short Biography

Sameh Habeeb: Advocate for Justice & Human Rights

Sameh Habeeb, a former Labour Party member and council candidate for Northwood, is a distinguished journalist, political activist, and campaigner with over two decades of experience devoted to advocating for justice and human rights. Throughout his career, he has dedicated himself to championing the cause of social justice and promoting fundamental human rights principles.

Early Career

Mr. Habeeb holds a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a Master’s degree in Entrepreneurship and Social Media. During his academic pursuits, he delved into the study of media bias and propaganda, contributing insightful analyses particularly within the context of the Middle East conflict. Commencing his journalism career in Occupied Palestine in 2005, he covered numerous Israeli wars as a freelance reporter for esteemed international media outlets such as Dutch TV and VSD magazine. Renowned for his expertise, he served as a regular commentator on Middle Eastern affairs across various media platforms.

Additionally, Mr. Habeeb briefly served as a humanitarian and aid worker for organizations including Islamic Relief Worldwide and CHF International.

Advocacy in UK and Europe

A prominent British-Palestinian political activist, Mr. Habeeb has made significant strides in advocacy. While working at the PRC NGO in London, he oversaw a parliamentary strategy aimed at promoting dialogue and resolving the Israeli-Arab conflict. His responsibilities included organizing numerous workshops, conferences, and parliamentary briefings, fostering engagement with MPs and Peers from diverse political backgrounds. He also collaborated with grassroots groups and organizations, contributing as a keynote speaker at conferences both in the UK and abroad.

Engagement with the United Nations

From 2011 to 2015, Mr. Habeeb served as a consultant for various non-governmental organizations in Geneva and New York, facilitating their attainment of UN Consultative Status. He engaged in regular meetings and briefings with permanent missions to the UN, advocating for NGO recognition and amplifying their voices on the international stage. Moreover, he acted as a regular envoy for several NGOs at the United Nations Human Rights Council, providing valuable insights and advice to stakeholders.

Conflict Resolution Efforts

In 2018, Mr. Habeeb established the non-profit research center, the International Centre for Relations and Diplomacy (ICRD), dedicated to promoting justice and peace. Under his leadership, ICRD spearheaded international initiatives, including leading a parliamentary delegation to Tunis and Libya in 2019 to aid in resolving the civil war. The organization also hosted conferences, seminars, and engaged in mediation activities aimed at ending conflicts between international governments.

Contribution to the Local Economy

Mr. Habeeb’s entrepreneurial endeavors have left a significant impact on the local economy. Through companies such as Batd Ltd., GIBM Training, LBC Group, and L&M Consulting, he has created job opportunities locally in Ealing and London while attracting international clients, thus bolstering economic growth.

Sameh Habeeb at one of the UK Trade Mission to bring business to the UK

Community Involvement

Despite his professional commitments, Mr. Habeeb remains deeply engaged in community-driven initiatives. He has actively supported refugee integration efforts in Ealing, providing assistance to those navigating local government agencies. Additionally, his volunteer work at local shelters, food banks, and community centers underscores his commitment to fostering inclusivity and support for vulnerable groups, including asylum seekers, refugees, and the homeless.

Through his multifaceted contributions, Sameh Habeeb continues to make a profound impact in advocating for justice, fostering dialogue, and empowering communities both locally and on the global stage.


Campaign News

Sameh Habeeb, Candidate for Ealing North, Expresses Full Support for Perivale Residents’ Protest Against more HMOs

Sameh Habeeb, Candidate for Ealing North, Expresses Full Support for Perivale Residents’ Protest Against more HMOs

Press Release: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ealing, London – Sameh Habeeb, the independent parliamentary candidate for Ealing North, extends his unwavering support to the residents of Perivale as they raise…

Ealing North

Press Release: Ealing North Independent Candidate Condemns MP James Murray’s Silence on Killing of British Nationals in Gaza

Press Release: Ealing North Independent Candidate Condemns MP James Murray’s Silence on Killing of British Nationals in Gaza

Ealing, London – Sameh Habeeb, Independent Candidate for Ealing North, has expressed profound dismay and shock over the deafening silence of James Murray, the incumbent MP for Ealing North,…