My Story
Sameh lives locally with his wife and children and works as a lecturer and journalist. He’s a community campaigner with a track record of working hard for the underdog. He’s been involved in charitable projects all over the world.
Sameh is really concerned with the lack of access to properly funded healthcare, and is calling on the Labour bosses at Ealing Council to declare a Health Crisis. Living in Ealing makes you more likely to suffer from asthma, kidney disease, heart disease, dementia, heart failure, obesity, or have a stroke than if you lived in other areas of London. This has been neglected for far too long.
As a father to four children, Sameh is fighting to end the ugly hidden Child Poverty Crisis that has nearly 40% of Ealing’s children living in poverty. Ealing’s Labour have neglected this crisis for far too long, and now is the time to take action. People are excited about the change Sameh is going to bring after years of Labour’s let down.
Sameh enjoys playing tennis, and is a big Arsenal fan. You’ll often find him at Hanwell Zoo with the kids, or checking out the amazing restaurants and coffee shops spread across the different towns in Ealing.